RM Analyzer Help

RmSet : Macro Forces

The macro allows to define forces in a simple way.

Many different diagrams and report files need to be generated in a project. This can lead into a huge input effort. To develop a TCL script is the most efficient way, but it requires some programming skills.

The RMSET input macros are provided to simplify the input. They allow the generation of 10s or 100s of RMSETs at once. Presently, macros to output internal forces of load cases and envelopes are offered. The output TCL script can also be used as a template for user own written scripts.

The Generate button shows how many RMSETs will be generated.
Note: Possibly a huge number of RMSETs can be generated.
Assemblies Structural parts the RMSETs have to be made for
Load cases Load cases to be output
Envelope Envelopes to be output
Series Element series
Components Force components
Results Force type (see manual, composite results)
Envelope rows In the case of envelope, always both Min and Max row are output
Join in one RM-Set Various definitions of RMSET are useful for different purposes. Not all of them can be packed in the macro dialogues. But certain bundles of results in one RMSET occur often. Choose the right option to pack all selected assemblies into one RMSET, etc. It is recommended to check the corresponding TCL source code (see below). The prefixes and postfixes are offered to define unique names. Note the limitation of 16 characters for a RMSET name.
Output/Add to project All RMSETs will be added to project database
Output/Save as TCL The corresponding TCL script will be output as ASCII file and can later be added to the project database by import
DGMSet(s) in stage DGMSet(s) in stage
TCL >> Open TCL source code that corresponds to the input
TCL << Hide the TCL source code